Published Work
List of publications
Complete list of publications on NASA/ADS, InSPIRE/HEP, google scholar.
ORCID: 0000-0003-2934-6243
Journal articles
DESI Collaboration, A. G. Adame, et al.
The Early Data Release of the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument
AJ 168, 58. [ADS] [2306.06308] -
DESI Collaboration, A. G. Adame, et al.
Validation of the Scientific Program for the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument
AJ 167, 62. [ADS] [2306.06307]
Hwang, Seung-gyu; L'Huillier, Benjamin ; Keeley, Ryan E. ; Jee, M. James ; Shafieloo, Arman.
How to use GP?
MNRAS 515 (2),1854 [ADS] [arXiv:2112.09138] -
Calderón, R. ; L'Huillier, B. ; Polarski, D. ; Shafieloo, A. ; Starobinsky, A. A.
Joint reconstructions of growth and expansion histories from stage-IV surveys with minimal assumptions I: Dark Energy beyond Λ
PRD 106, 083513 [ADS] [arXiv:2206.13820] -
Abdalla, E. et al., Cosmology intertwined: A review of the particle physics, astrophysics, and cosmology associated with the cosmological tensions and anomalies
J. High Energy Astrophys. 33, 49 [ADS] [arXiv:2203.06142] -
Hanwool Koo, Arman Shafieloo, Ryan E. Keeley, Benjamin L'Huillier
Bayesian vs frequentist: comparing Bayesian model selection with a frequentist approach using the iterative smoothing method
JCAP 03, 047 [ADS] [arXiv:2110.10977] -
J. A. Hodgson, B. L’Huillier, I. Liodakis, S.-S. Lee, and A. Shafieloo,
Estimating the feasibility of ’standard speed-gun’ distances
MNRAS 521, L44 [ADS] [2301.06252]
Grove, C. ; Chuang, C.-H. ; Devi, N. C. ; Garrison, L. ; L'Huillier, Benjamin et al.
The DESI N-body simulation project - I. Testing the robustness of simulations for the DESI dark time survey
MNRAS 515 (2),1854 [ADS] [arXiv:2112.09138] -
Calderón, R. ; L'Huillier, B. ; Polarski, D. ; Shafieloo, A. ; Starobinsky, A. A.
Joint reconstructions of growth and expansion histories from stage-IV surveys with minimal assumptions I: Dark Energy beyond Λ
PRD 106, 083513 [ADS] [arXiv:2206.13820] -
Abdalla, E. et al., Cosmology intertwined: A review of the particle physics, astrophysics, and cosmology associated with the cosmological tensions and anomalies
J. High Energy Astrophys. 33, 49 [ADS] [arXiv:2203.06142] -
Hanwool Koo, Arman Shafieloo, Ryan E. Keeley, Benjamin L'Huillier
Bayesian vs frequentist: comparing Bayesian model selection with a frequentist approach using the iterative smoothing method
JCAP 03, 047 [ADS] [arXiv:2110.10977]
Hanwool Koo, Arman Shafieloo, Ryan E. Keeley, Benjamin L'Huillier
Model selection and parameter estimation using the iterative smoothing method
JCAP 03, 034 [ADS] [arXiv:2009.12045] -
Rodrigo Calderón, Radouane Gannouji, Benjamin L'Huillier*, David Polarski
Negative cosmological constant in the dark sector?
PRD 103, 023526 [ADS][arxiv:2008.10237]
Hanwool Koo, Arman Shafieloo, Ryan E. Keeley, Benjamin L'Huillier
Model-independent constraints on Type Ia supernova light-curve hyper-parameters and reconstructions of the expansion history of the Universe
ApJ 899, 9 (2020) [ADS] [arXiv:2001.10887] -
Jeffrey A. Hodgson, Benjamin L'Huillier*, Ioannis Liodakis, Sang-Sung Lee, Arman Shafieloo
Using variability and VLBI to measure cosmological distances
MNRAS Letters 495(1), L27 [ADS] [arXiv:1910.01105] -
Farbod Hassani, Benjamin L'Huillier, Arman Shafieloo, Martin Kunz, Julian Adamek
Parametrising non-linear dark energy perturbations
JCAP 04, 039 (2020), [ADS] [arXiv:1910.01105] -
Benjamin L'Huillier, Arman Shafieloo, David Polarski, Alexei A. Starobinsky
Defying the laws of Gravity I: Model-independent reconstruction of the Universe expansion from growth data
MNRAS 494(1), 819 (2020) [ADS] [arXiv:1906.05991] -
Ryan E. Keeley, Arman Shafieloo, Benjamin L'Huillier, Eric V. Linder
Debiasing Cosmic Gravitational Wave Sirens
MNRAS 491, 3983 (2020). [ADS] [arXiv:1905.10216]
Benjamin L'Huillier, Arman Shafieloo, Eric V. Linder, Alex G. Kim
Model independent expansion history from supernovae: Cosmology versus systematics
MNRAS 485, 2783 (2019) [ADS] [arXiv:1812.03623]
Arman Shafieloo, Benjamin L'Huillier*, Alexei A. Starobinsky,
Falsifying ΛCDM: Model-independent tests of the concordance model with eBOSS DR14Q and Pantheon
Phys. Rev. D 98, 0083526 (2018), [arXiv:1804.04320] [ADS] -
Benjamin L'Huillier, Arman Shafieloo, Dhiraj Kumar Hazra, George F. Smoot, Alexei A. Starobinsky
Probing features in the primordial perturbation spectrum with large-scale structure data
MNRAS 477, 2503 (2018), [arXiv:1710.10987], [ADS] -
Cora Uhlemann, Christophe Pichon, Sandrine Codis, Benjamin L'Huillier, Juhan Kim, Francis Bernardeau, Changbom Park, Simon Prunet,
Cylinders out of a top hat: counts-in-cells for projected densities
MNRAS 477, 2772 (2018), [arXiv:1711.04767], [ADS] -
Benjamin L'Huillier, Arman Shafieloo, Hyungjin Kim,
Model-independent cosmological constraints from growth and expansion
MNRAS 476, 3263 (2018), [arXiv:1712.04865] [ADS] -
Uhlemann, Cora; Feix, Martin; Codis, Sandrine; Pichon, Christophe; Bernardeau, Francis; L'Huillier, Benjamin; Kim, Juhan; Hong, Sungwook E.; Laigle, Clotilde; Park, Changbom; Shin, Jihye; Pogosyan, Dmitri,
A question of separation: disentangling tracer bias and gravitational nonlinearity with counts-in-cells statistics
MNRAS 473, 5098 (2018), [arXiv:1705.08901] [ADS]
Gong-Bo Zhao, Marco Raveri, Levon Pogosian, Yuting Wang, Robert G. Crittenden, Will J. Handley, Will J. Percival, Florian Beutler, Jonathan Brinkmann, Chia-Hsun Chuang, Antonio J. Cuesta, Daniel J. Eisenstein, Francisco-Shu Kitaura, Kazuya Koyama, Benjamin L'Huillier, Robert C. Nichol, Matthew M. Pieri, Sergio Rodriguez-Torres, Ashley J. Ross, Graziano Rossi, Ariel G. Sánchez, Arman Shafieloo, Jeremy L. Tinker, Rita Tojeiro, Jose A. Vazquez, Hanyu Zhang
Dynamical dark energy in light of the latest observations
Nature Astronomy 1, 627 (2017) [arXiv:1701.08165] [ADS] -
B. L'Huillier, H. Winther, D. F. Mota, C. Park, & J. Kim
Dark matter haloes in modified gravity: interaction rate, small-, and large-scale alignment
MNRAS 468, 3174 (2017) [arXiv:1703.07357] [ADS] -
B. L'Huillier, C. Park, & J. Kim
Ecology of dark matter haloes -II. Effects of interactions on the alignment of halo pairs
MNRAS 466, 4875 (2017) [arXiv:1701.04417] [ADS] -
Uhlemann, C.; Codis, S.; Kim, J.; Pichon, C.; Bernardeau, F.; Pogosyan, D.; Park, C.; L'Huillier, B.
"Beyond Kaiser bias: mildly non-linear two-point statistics of densities in distant spheres",
MNRAS 466, 2067 (2017) [arXiv:1607.01026] [ADS] -
B. L'Huillier & A.Shafieloo
Model-independent test of the FLRW metric, the flatness of the Universe, and non-local measurement of H0rd
JCAP01(2017)015 [arXiv:1606.06832] [ADS]
J. Kim, C. Park, B. L'Huillier* & S. E. Hong
Horizon Run 4 Simulation: Coupled Evolution of Galaxies and Large-scale Structures of the Universe
JKAS 48, 213 [arXiv:1508.05107] [ADS] -
B. L'Huillier, C. Park, J. Kim
Ecology of dark matter haloes -I. the rates and types of halo interactions
MNRAS 451, 527 [arXiv:1505.00788] [ADS]
B. L'Huillier, C. Park, J. Kim
Effects of the initial conditions on cosmological N-body simulations
New Astronomy 30, 79 [arXiv:1401.6180] [ADS] .
B. L'Huillier, F. Combes, B. Semelin
Mass assembly of galaxies: smooth accretion versus mergers
A&A, 544, A68 [arXiv:1108.4247] [ADS] .
White papers
P. D. Meerburg et al. (2019), "Primordial Non-Gaussianity"
[arXiv:1903.04409] [ADS] -
D. Green et al. (2019), "Messengers from the Early Universe: Cosmic Neutrinos and Other Light Relics"
[arXiv:1903.04763] [ADS] -
S. Ferraro et al. (2019), "Inflation and Dark Energy from spectroscopy at z>2",
[arXiv:1903.09208] [ADS] -
Scolnic, D. et al. (2019), "The Next Generation of Cosmological Measurements with Type Ia Supernovae",
[arXiv:1903.05128] [ADS] -
Green, Daniel et al. (2019), "Messengers from the Early Universe: Cosmic Neutrinos and Other Light Relics"
[arXiv:] [ADS] -
Rhodes, Jason; et al. (2019), "Cosmological Synergies Enabled by Joint Analysis of Multi-probe data from WFIRST, Euclid, and LSST",
DESI Collaboration: Aghamoussa, A. et al. (2016)
"The DESI Experiment Part II: Instrument Design",
[arXiv:1611.00037] [ADS] -
DESI Collaboration: Aghamoussa, A. et al. (2016)
"The DESI Experiment Part I: Science,Targeting, and Survey Design",
[arXiv:1611.00036] [ADS]
Conference Proceedings
S. Jang, B. L'Huillier (2019), Retracing Korea’s Ancient Skies: An Immersive, Interactive 3D Map of Traditional Korean Constellations in the Milky Way”. In: Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Electronic Art. Ed. by J. Park, J. Nam, and J. W. Park. ISEA: International Symposium on Electronic Art, 2019. 618.
B. L'Huillier, C. Park, J. Kim (2015), The rates and types of halo interactions, IAU General Assembly, Meeting 29, 2254583
B. L'Huillier, F. Combes, B. Semelin (2011), Galaxy mass assembly: Mergers versus smooth accretion, Galaxy Formation: An International Conference.
B. L'Huillier, F. Combes, B. Semelin, (2010), Galaxy Formation: Mergers vs Gas Accretion, SF2A-2010: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics. Eds.: S. Boissier, M. Heydari-Malayeri, R. Samadi and D. Valls-Gabaud, p.11.
S. Schanne, B. Cordier, D. Götz, A. Gros, P. Kestener, H. Leprovost, B. L'Huillier, & M. Mur (2008), The trigger function of the space borne gamma-ray burst telescope ECLAIRs, Proceedings of the 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference. July 3 - 11, 2007, Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico, 2008. Volume 3, p.1147-1150.
ComputePk: Power spectrum computation, ascl:1403.015
B. L'Huillier (2011), Galaxy formation: the role of gas accretion, PhD thesis, UPMC
B. L'Huillier (2008), Étude de la sphère autogravitante, Master thesis (in French), Université Paris Diderot
B. L'Huillier (2007), Détection des sursauts gamma pour le satellite ECLAIRs, Master thesis (in French), Supélec & Université Paul Verlaine Metz